[OAI-implementers] harvester guidelines

Samuele Kaplun Samuele.Kaplun at cern.ch
Thu May 26 08:05:21 EDT 2011

Hi Jasper,

Il giorno gio, 26/05/2011 alle 12.43 +0200, Jasper Op de Coul ha
> 3. Use incremental harvests, but never use the ?set param. The client 
> will receive all records and can inspect the SetSpec header manually to 
> see if this record is part of the wanted set. Records that are not part 
> of the wanted set but are in the client database can be removed.

this sounds like a nice idea, but it would not fully address the case
when, in the repository, the union of all sets, is just a subset of the
whole record universe. If a record gets out of a set and don't get into
any other set, then it will not be deleted, but it won't as well be
exported, in the case where the set param is not specified. So
unfortunately even with your solution this situation would not be
solved :-(

Moreover by harvesting without specifying a set, you are putting
(theoretically) more load, not only on the client, but also on the
server, since you are asking way more information that is going to be
thrown away afterwards.

I can not wait to see the outcome of the "Next Generation OAI-PMH"
Technical Session at OAI7


where I think this topic will be very well addressed.


Samuele Kaplun
Invenio Developer ** <http://invenio-software.org/>

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