[OAI-implementers] Records getting out of sets and repository/harvester implementation

Samuele Kaplun Samuele.Kaplun at cern.ch
Thu Oct 14 09:06:44 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I am Samuele Kaplun, a CERN developer, and I am currently working in
revising and improving the OAI-PMH repository implementation of the
Invenio (<http://invenio-software.org/>).

I came across this implementation doubt:

in Invenio the repository manager is free to define any set he likes on
top of the whole repository. This means two sets can in principle have a
non empty intersection.

Now suppose an item belongs to both setA and setB at some point in time.
But then because of a change in the definition of setA (or because of an
update of the record metadata) the record does no longer belong to setA,
but continues to belong to setB.

How can this information be given to harvester?

Naively, if an harvester ask for an incremental update of setA, after
the item was removed from it, the harvester would simply experience the
vanishing of the record (like if the record was deleted and the
repository was supporting only the policy deletedRecord=no).

However this information (i.e. the fact that the record does not belong
anymore to setA) might be an important one (e.g. in the case the record
was there by mistake in the first place and contains restricted
information), and also, the fact that the harvester is not deleting it
on his side will make it keep an obsolete copy that would eventually
rotten and simply contribute to the dissemination of mis-information.

One possible solution to this issue might be that the repository keep
track of previous set membership of the record and simply return the
record as deleted (like with deletedRecord=transient/persistent for real
deleted record). But this might open a new issue. What if the harvester
both harvest setA and setB at the same time? The record will be then
declared as deleted in setA, but will still be available in setB. What
should an harvester do in this case (given it is requesting the same
record, since also the oai_id will be the identical)? In particular if
the harvester is first harvesting setA and then setB it will end up with
having a copy of the record, but if it will first harvest setB and then
setA it will delete his own copy of the record.

Another possibility is that the record is instead returned as such both
when harvested via setB but also via setA, but the <setSpec> in both
harvesting session, for the given record, should only mention setB (as
the record now belongs only to setB and no longer to setA).

A smart harvester would then do the right thing, i.e. delete the record
if it knows it is not harvesting setB or ignoring the record (as it will
receive it anyway when it will harvest setB later)

What do you think? Would this be the right behaviour for the repository
in this situation? Would most of the existing harvesters behave
correctly WRT this situation if the repository return a record with a
different setSpec than the request?


Samuele Kaplun
Invenio Developer ** <http://invenio-software.org/>

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