[OAI-implementers] trouble registering a static repository

Kristina M. Spurgin kristina at infomuse.net
Mon Sep 19 14:04:00 EDT 2005


We've developed a static repository containing records for the films 
made available through www.folkstreams.net. The xml repository document 
resides at: http://www.folkstreams.net/oai/static_repository.xml

My question is two-fold.

First, we have been able to identify only two static repository gateways 
that will allow us to register our repository: OLAC and the 
demonstration gateway at http://libtest.lanl.gov/. Our content is not 
language-related, so OLAC is not appropriate. We are unclear about the 
scope/purpose of the demonstration gateway. Is it there for permenant 
use by any repository, or is it just meant for testing purposes? 
Finally, is there a central listing of static repository gateways 
somewhere that we have missed?

Second, we have tried to register our respository with the demonstration 
gateway at http://libtest.lanl.gov/ and receive a message that our 
repository is not a valid repository.

We've tested our repository against the schema and it validates, so we 
have had trouble identifying why it is not a valid repository.

If someone could take a look at our repository ( 
http://www.folkstreams.net/oai/static_repository.xml ) and let us know 
if you see what could be causing this problem, that would be very helpful.

Thank you,
Kristina M. Spurgin
Doctoral student, teaching fellow, folkstreams.net grant manager
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
kristina at infomuse.net

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