[OAI-implementers] DCMI Recommendation on Bibliographic Citations
Ann Apps
ann.apps at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Jun 15 06:39:57 EDT 2005
Dear All,
[Apologies for cross posting.]
I'm pleased to report that the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative has published
a Recommendation (http://www.dublincore.org/documents/#recommendation):
Guidelines for Encoding Bibliographic Citation Information in Dublin Core
This recommendation uses an OpenURL Framework ContextObject to describe a
machine-parsable citation.
It is primarily about capturing the bibliographic citation information about
a journal article (for example) within its own metadata for which it
recommends the DC property 'dcterms:bibliographicCitation', which is an
element refinement of 'dc:identifier', but also includes recommendations for
capturing references in 'dcterms:references'. But this could easily be
extrapolated to using a recommended parsable citation as the value of a
'dc:source' property, for example when capturing the publication citation
for an eprint.
Also the recommendations in the document assume that 'qualified' DC is being
used, ie. with the availability of all the 'dcterms' properties. But it does
also give guidelines for using simple Dublin Core.
Best wishes,
Ann Apps. IT Specialist (Research & Development), MIMAS,
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6039 Fax: +44 (0) 161 275 6040
Email: ann.apps at manchester.ac.uk WWW: http://epub.mimas.ac.uk/ann.html
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