[OAI-implementers] OAI-PMH + IEEE LTSC LOM
Phil Barker
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 17:58:31 +0000
Chris Hubick wrote:
> I didn't know of any other OAI+LOM implementations to compare against,
> so I hope my implementation is sane (?).
There's a fair amount of work going on the UK related to this, it goes
under the catchy title of the RDN/LTSN Interoperability Project,
http://www.ltsn.ac.uk/genericcentre/interop/ . I don't think anyone has yet
gone public with a harvester, but I know folk are working on them and I've
forwarded your message to them.
An article about a loosely related earlier implementation can be found at
http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue34/powell/intro.html , and there'll be
another in the next issue of Ariadne.
Phil Barker Learning Technology Adviser
ICBL, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Mountbatten Building, Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
Tel: 0131 451 3278 Fax: 0131 451 3327
Web: http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/~philb/