[OAI-implementers] SOAP-PMH

Hussein Suleman hussein at cs.uct.ac.za
Tue Dec 7 06:41:59 EST 2004

hi Joseph

some thoughts ...

on a technical level, it makes sense that if there is to be a new 
version of OAI-PMH it should probably be layered over a (RESTful) SOAP.

on a practical level, there is a lot of existing community knowledge and 
infrastructure built around OAI-PMHv2.0 so we dont want to disturb that 
without enough of a reason.

on a political level, to go beyond the controlled experiments some of us 
have done would require the support of the DL community at large.

so, basically, we did the experiments and we know the issues. yes, it 
can work. but, no, im not certain we need to push this just yet. it is 
almost like the planets need to be aligned but they just dont seem to be 
aligned at the moment ... until they are aligned, OAI-PMHv2.0 may be the 
thing to stick to :)


joseph_botany wrote:
> Hi All,
> It seems natural to use SOAP with OAI-PMH as outlined in the following 
> paper http://aim.cs.uct.ac.za/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=110. Has 
> anyone developed a SOAP implementation of OAI? Please contact me if you 
> have (joseph at mail.botany.ubc.ca <mailto:joseph at mail.botany.ubc.ca>).
> Thanks,
> Joseph
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hussein suleman ~ hussein at cs.uct.ac.za ~ http://www.husseinsspace.com

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