[OAI-implementers] Resolver of OAI record Uniqe Identifier

Zeno Tajoli tajoli@cilea.it
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 11:55:19 +0200

Hi to all,

I'm searching a service provider that can resolve an oai identifier in a 
query to an xml with the metadata of the record.

For example I have the oai identifier ' oai:eprints.rclis.org:830'.
I send to the service providere the identifier and nothing else.
The service provider:
-It undestands that the eprints server is http://eprints.rclis.org
-It knows that the eprints server Base URL is 
-It sends me that string (the query to harvest the record) : 

I try to use OAI Registry at UIUC  and ERRoLs to optain that result but it 
si not possible to have that result with them.

Does sameone know a service provider tha offers a service like this ?

Thanks for all.

Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
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