[OAI-implementers] Sets in and subjects in OAI-PMH
Pete Johnston
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 20:01:32 +0100
Caroline Arms said:
> I can see reason for wanting branding at the set level, but I
> have been more interested in getting rich set descriptions
> out there to see if harvesters found them useful [the answer
> from the harvesters I care about has been "yes"]. I used
> Dublin Core because it was there. If someone else wanted to
> create a schema that added a branding element, I would use
> it.
It seems appropriate to mention here that the DCMI Collection
Description Working Group
(to which I know several people here already contribute) is currently
working on developing a simple Dublin Core-based schema (a DC
"application profile" in DCMI terminology) for collection-level
It seems to me such a schema could be deployed to describe either the
content of an entire repository or a set, as suggested in the document
Caroline pointed to. And one of the requests from WG members was that
the schema should include a property that provided a pointer to a
(collection-specific) logo.
That property is not listed in the current draft
as I've been too busy in the last few days to produce a new draft that
reflects the decisions at our meeting at DC-2003
But I'll have an updated version out, umm, real soon....
Pete Johnston
Interoperability Research Officer
UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
tel: +44 (0)1225 383619 fax: +44 (0)1225 386838