[OAI-implementers] OAI implementation

ruri muharto rurie@transport.itb.ac.id
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:47:30 +0700 (JAVT)

Hi all,

I'd like to implement any 'metadata exchange' protocol that provides some
mechanisms in order to make our data provider integrated to some
other larger community of digital library. In other words, our 'records
provider', which contains about 5000 records, should also be harvested by
'the world'.

I am really interested in using OAI protocol. In my opinion, this
protocol is made up to be more simple and accessible rather than, let say,
web services or z.39.50.

So I'd like to know any brief explanation related to:
1. the features of OAI. How many providers or countries have been joint in
such community mentioned before? The barriers commonly found that have
obstructed the larger networks? and so on..

2. few 'stumbling blocks' to the network implementation. Is there any
obstacles to implement the protocol in the third world's internet
community like my country, Indonesia? etc..

3. Other stuffs not mentioned yet.. that could be essentially of use in
general terms.

thank you in advance for each response
