FW: [OAI-implementers] Beginner questions

Naomi Dushay Naomi@cs.cornell.edu
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 15:25:57 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Venugopal R Pally [mailto:pally_reddy@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 1:14 PM
I'm forwarding on Venu's next questions -- anyone want to take a crack
at them?

- Naomi

To: Naomi Dushay
Subject: RE: [OAI-implementers] Beginner questions

Thanks. This has made my questions cleared. could you
please inform me how 'METADATA' and 'RESOURCE' are
being used by harvestors or by any user ? Since we are
getting records by ListRecords, GetRecord, how
ListIdentifiers is used ? 

--- Naomi Dushay <Naomi@cs.cornell.edu> wrote:
> One of the ways we think about the two different
> identifiers is this:
> The DC identifier is an identifier for the RESOURCE.
>  In fact, our rule
> of thumb is that any information within the metadata
> tag is about the
> The OAI identifier is an identifier for METADATA for
> the resource.  And
> again, information in the header tag is about
> We tend to think of the about tag as being about the
> METADATA as well.
> - Naomi Dushay
> National Science Digital Library
> _______________________________________________
> OAI-implementers mailing list
> OAI-implementers@oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu

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