[OAI-implementers] Re: SPECIAL CHARACTERS...

Tim Brody tim@tim.brody.btinternet.co.uk
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:52:38 +0100

utf-8 support in Perl 5.6 isn't very good.

I haven't tried Perl 5.8, but it should allow you do handle multiple
character sets more gracefully (see

Without installing it myself I don't know how it works with databases.

The Encode module in 5.8 would seem to provide whatever conversions would be
needed from your database character set to utf-8.
(its entirely possible Perl 5.8 will just work transparently ...)

All the best,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramon Martins Sodoma da Fonseca" <ramon@ibict.br>
To: "OAI Implementers" <oai-implementers@oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu>; "Steve
Sarapata" <ssarapat@enc.org>; "Tim Brody" <tim@tim.brody.btinternet.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 2:06 PM

Hello group,

We are having problems with the character encoding.
We need to display special charaters, like "ç, ã, ö", and others, and our
question is:

1) does Perl (or the OAI) have any function to encode correctly the
characters coming from the DataBase?


2) Do we have to insert the characters with the correct encoding (UTF-8)
into the database (because the Protocol requires it)??

Ramón Fonseca
Design Gráfico & Multimídia
Desenvolvimento Web
ramal: 6443