[OAI-implementers] OAI testing again

Alan Kent ajk@mds.rmit.edu.au
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:11:08 +1100

Hi all,

I had not checked up on my OAI interop site for a while, so thought
I should check. Good thing I did - it was cactus. Looks like I put
the wrong version of the code into the reboot sequence, so it was
using old code with a newer DB structure - and failing on everything.

I have gone through the list and updated lots of entries. I have more
to do (I don't have all the recent entries yet), but manaully reharvested
lots of sites. I thought I would give a summary of my results here
so far in case anyone is interested.

Errors in the following may be my end!

The following sites appear to work:

    aim25, CCSDJeanNicod, CCSDarchiveSIC, CDLCIAS, CDLDERM, CDLTC, CSTC,
    DUETT, GenericEPrints, HUBerlin.de, JCDLPix, NUIM, RIACS, UBC, UMER,
    USF, UniverstiyOfNottiingham, VTETD, ackarch, anlc, anu, caltechETD,
    caltechcstr, caltecherrl, cav2001, cbold, dlpscoll, eldorado,
    eprints,ecs.soton.ac.uk, epubwu, ethnologue, formations, hofprints,
    lacito, pastel, physdoc, rdn, sammelpunkt, sceti, tkn, uiLib,

Bad response (often UTF-8 encoding errors):

    AlanTest, CCSDthesis, EKUTuebingen, ELibBSU, EarlyMandarin, Formosan,
    NSDL-DEV-CU, PKP, RUGNL, SUUB, SinicaCorpus, TalkBank, UKETD,
    UnivOldenbugBIS, aisri, applebytest, bmc, cdlib1, cimi, citebase,
    cogdata, conoze, hsss, ibiblio, in2p3, ioffe, jhjhjh,
    ltrs.larc.nasa.gov, mit.etheses, oai.library.uiuc.edu
    oai.sunsite.utk.edu, perseus, scoil, stevenbird, torc9.cs.utk.edu,

Connection refused:

    ArchiveLyon2, CyberTheses, ENUMERATE, epsilondiss, glasgow, thesis

Timed out:
    sil, CPS, HKUTO, LSUETD, MONARCH, etdcat, xtcat.oclc.org

Reported too busy - but I think this is a bug my end:

    ATILF, cogprints, EDTIndividuals

Appear to have gone away:

    8657690236, LDC, UDLAthesis, dfki, elra, ndltd, ndltdpapers, ota,
    scout, yea, CEIAT, GROW

Found a few bugs our end too (but I won't report them! :-).
One bug is a spelling error in the log messages ("Idnetify").
The packet was correct, just the error message is misspelt.

Lots more to test, but I want to go home.


ps: If you want to look up the log records, go to


Select "Collections" then click "Details" for the "OAI" collection.
Then click the "Log" button for the OAI data provider to look at
the log for. Hopefully it makes reasonable sense.
Alan Kent (mailto:Alan.Kent@teratext.com.au, http://www.mds.rmit.edu.au/~ajk/)
Project: TeraText Technical Director (http://teratext.com.au) InQuirion Pty Ltd
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