[OAI-implementers] XSD file for qualified DC
herbert van de sompel
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:01:18 -0600
I insert comments, below.
Tim Brody wrote:
> [OpenURL/DC]
> Reading Andy Powell's and Ann's Ariadne article:
> http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue27/metadata/
> You describe how an OpenURL URI could be used within "dcq:citation" and
> "dcq:references" to provide citation descriptions.
> You succinctly summarise my worries with OpenURL in a DC world:
> "Therefore, the OpenURL DESCRIPTION appears to offer all the functionality
> identified by the working group for encoding bibliographic citations for
> simple resource discovery, albeit using a less human-readable syntax than
> that proposed by the working group. However, it may not offer the required
> functionality for individual Dublin Core based applications."
> Putting these into two points:
> 1) I have always got the feeling OpenURL deals with the "ideal" world. For
> my application, whether something is a conference proceeding, or journal
> article, isn't useful (and probably can't be determined). What is useful is
> knowing that this "thing" has a title, and an author, that can be compared
> to titles and authors in a database (most likely DC records).
* The more information one can provide to an application, the higher the chance
it can do something useful with it. So, if one does have the information that
something is -- for instance -- a conference proceeding, it is extrememely
usefull to expose such information to applications. That means: one should not
limit options from the start. I am sure linking servers wouldn't be pleased at
all if we would start feeding them only Unqualified Dublin Core, as that would
limit their capabilities.
* Regarding the "ideal" world: I guess you are referring to the current version
of OpenURL, not the upcoming NISO version (of which I sent examples). In that
version, all kinds of metadata formats can be used. That includes expressive
formats, targeted at describing -- say -- a conference proceeding, as well as
less descriptive general-purpose ones, say Unqualified Dublin Core. So, if in
your application there is no way that you can determine whether something is a
conference proceeding, and hence you are not in a position to use an expressive
format, you can use unqualified Dublin Core within OpenURL. As a matter, of
fact in the XML-encoding (see below) you can do both at the same time.
> 2) In XML, I suspect a more elegant syntax could be used than OpenURL (which
> uses overloading to cope with name=value URIs).
Again, I think you are referring to the current version of OpenURL. The NISO
version will come with a name=value encoding (because HTTP GET is something that
seems to be used a lot out there) and hopefully/probably with an XML encoding.
> I want to use OpenURL if it is the right choice, not because it is the only
> choice. And at the moment, I don't think its the right choice - hence my
> suggestion for a "DC-inspired" format :-)
With the upcoming OpenURL, you don't have to make an a priori choice regarding
the format that you will use to describe a reference. OpenURL becomes a
"container" in which you can stuff a reference described in a variety of ways,
as well as descriptions of the context in which the citation appears (such as
the paper in which the reference is made).
Herbert Van de Sompel
digital library research & prototyping
Los Alamos National Laboratory - Research Library
+ 1 (505) 667 1267 / http://lib-www.lanl.gov/~herbertv/
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