[OAI-implementers] oai_dc: Multiple identifiers and formats within a single record?

Tim Brody tim@tim.brody.btinternet.co.uk
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 13:18:36 -0000

Hi Marin,

If possible, you should export both your RDF and oai_dc through your OAI
interface - any XML format with a schema can be exported.

Dublin Core AFAIK is not ordered, therefore you can't infer from:


That a is the format of c, and b the format of d.

Probably the best solution would be to create a "jump-off" page with links
to the abstract, and full-text formats. And it is this page that you include
in your oai_dc identifier.

Alternatives might be to just include the URLs in identifier tags (any
harvester can get the file type by performing an HTTP query), but this
wouldn't include the "Full Text"/"Abstract" descriptions.

Or you could do some kind of string encoding (e.g. eprints.org 2.0):
<format>pdf http://xxx/yyy</format>
Then a service-provider can do application-specific un-encoding.

All the best,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marin Balgarensky" <marinb@gmx.net>
To: <oai-implementers@oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:54 PM
Subject: [OAI-implementers] oai_dc: Multiple identifiers and formats within
a single record?

Hi everybody.

I am implementing an OAI repository which will actually convert existing
data in rdf format to oai_dc.

Most of the entries in the database have amongst other data:
File-URL: http://server/2001-004a.htm
File-Format: text/html
File-Function: Abstract
File-URL: http://server/2001-004.htm
File-Format: text/html
File-Function: Full text
File-URL: http://server/2001-004.pdf
File-Format: application/pdf
File-Function: Full text

If I translate this directly to:

Would it be correct?
if this is acceptable (in oai_dc each element has minoccur=0 and
how can one tell what format links to what identifiers?

Or I have to invent several records with same content but the identifier?

Or create an HTML file representing the rdf data and use its URL as an

Any opinion/help very much appreciated as I have to have this running by


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