[OAI-implementers] OAI for multimedia data

Alison Stevenson as@it-innovation.soton.ac.uk
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:45:51 +0100

Hello all,

I am investigating the possibility of implementing the OAI Metadata
Harvesting Protocol as part of the ARTISTE project (www.artisteweb.org). The
project aims to create web based applications and tools for the automatic
indexing and retrieval of high resolution art images by pictorial content
and information. The system will provide seamless access to multiple
collections combining existing digital library standards and new

I understand from Lagoze & de Sompel's paper that the OAI is encouraging the
development of community-specific harvestable metadata sets and wonder if
any proposals for such sets targeted at the museum/gallery community have
been made? Is anyone else working with OAI in this area at the moment? I
would be very interested to hear from you and perhaps to co-operate on the
development of a metadata set.

I have one other small query. Is there a way to discover which strings are
already in use as unique repoIDs? 



Alison Stevenson

IT Innovation Centre
2 Venture Road
Chilworth Science Park
SO16 7NP, UK
