[OAI-implementers] FW: MARC to DC Translator (ALPHA)

Young,Jeff jyoung@oclc.org
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:56:45 -0500

Sorry for the cross-posting.

While working on an OAI repository, I had the need to convert MARC
communication format records to unqualified Dublin Core. I searched the web
for such a tool, without success, and decided to write one based on OCLC's
CORC system. I suspect such a service would be useful for others as well, so
I'd like to announce the availability of the server for evaluation purposes.
Its status should be considered alpha, and I can't make any long-term
promises about its continued availability yet.

I've set up a form from which records can be submitted to the server at
http://purl.org/alcme/marc2dc/index.html. If you look closely, you'll see
some caveats listed on the form, as well as a reference to a file containing
a few test records I've put out on the web for you to play with.
Until it's been scrutinized, I wouldn't recommend that you trust the results
as definitive. I would also request that you don't overburden the server by
converting your entire OPAC just yet. Just give it a poke and let me know
what you think. I'd be particularly interested in information and perhaps
even the comparison of results  with any other MARC to DC converters that
people may know about.


Jeffrey A. Young
Senior Consulting Systems Analyst
Office of Research, Mail Code 710
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
6565 Frantz Road
Dublin, OH   43017-3395

Voice:	614-764-4342
Fax:		614-764-2344
Email:	jyoung@oclc.org