[OAI-general] CYCLADES prototype available via Web.

straccia straccia@iei.pi.cnr.it
Wed, 07 May 2003 16:38:31 +0200

We are pleased to announce the availability of the CYCLADES (beta 
version) system, accessible via Web at the address


where you can get quickly into CYCLADES.

CYCLADES supports you in searching and managing electronic documents 
from a large number of digital libraries. The system provides you 
with a comprehensive set of functions that enable communities to 
share their results from browsing digital libraries compliant with 
the 'Open Archives Initiative' ( OAI -- http://www.openarchives.org) 

 From the technical point of view, CYCLADES consist of the following 
federation of independent but interoperable services characterized by 
the following key features:

Access: harvest-based information gathering, plus indexing and 
storage of gathered information in a local database. You can tell 
CYCLADES to harvest your archive. too.

Collection: mechanisms for dynamically structuring the overall 
information space into meaningful (from some community's perspective) 

Search and Browse: to support the users in formulating queries and 
develops plans for their evaluation.

Filtering: to support information filtering on the basis of 
implicitly acquired individual user profiles, and profiles of the 
working communities the user belongs to. User and community profiles 
are automatically inferred by monitoring the user behavior.

Recommendation: to provide recommendations about new published 
articles within a working community, recommendation of users, 
collections and communities. The choice about what recommendations to 
send and to whom is based on both the user and the working community 

Collaborative Work: to support collaboration between members of 
communities and project groups by providing functionality for 
creating shared working spaces referencing users' own documents, 
collections, recommendations, related links, textual annotations, 
ratings, etc.

We highly recommend to read  the "CYCLADES Quick Start", which 
provides you a very short introduction to the system. The quick start 
is available from the login page, as well as within the CYCLADES 

 From the login page you can find also a questionnaire. With your 
help, we hope to provide a better service to the OAI community.

For further information, see



	-The CYCLADES consortium.

CYCLADES is a R&D project from 1 November 2000 to 31 August 2003,
supported by the IST Programme of the European Commission (project 
no. IST-2000-25456).

          |   Umberto Straccia, Ph.D.                         |
          |   ISTI                                            |
          |   Italian National Research Council               |
          |   Via G. Moruzzi,1                                |
          |   I-56124 Pisa (PI), ITALY                        |
          | ------------------------------------------------  |
          | WWW   : http://www.isti.cnr.it/People/U.Straccia  |
          | E-mail: Umberto.Straccia@isti.cnr.it              |
        / ) Phone : +39.050.315 2894                          (\
       /  ) Fax   : +39.050.315 3464                          ( \
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