[OAI-general] Problem with customisation of eprints software

Simon Huggard Simon.Huggard@lib.monash.edu.au
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:29:54 +1100

Hi all. 

I'm trying to customise the eprints software (we're using
EPrints 2.1.1 - from software.eprints.org.

I've edited the template file "template-en.xml" but because I'm not very
knowledgeable of the XML schema they are using and how it's set up, I'm
having problems.

I've input some standard HTML in the XML file and it's rejecting it,
even though it is OK HTML coding.
It says I have mismatched <a> and </a> tags when I run the
"generate_static" script.

It doesn't like the fact that I've opened the hypertext link with:

  <a href=.....something here....> 

and then I've put in an IMAGE in the next part:

  <img src=".... image file.....>

and then closed with </a>

The full HTML is below (excuse the email wrap-around):

    <td colspan="3"><a href="#content">
     <img src="http://www.monash.edu.au/assets/spacer.gif" width="1" 
         height="1" border="0" alt="Skip to content"></a></td>

Anyone got any ideas out there?
How did you customise your eprints software?
Did you customise the following files, or have I got it wrong:



Simon Huggard
Systems Manager
Systems Support Unit
Monash University Library
Monash University
Building 4, Monash University, Vic, Australia 3800
Phone: (03) 9905 9138 Fax: (03) 9905 2610
Mobile: 0425 774 260