[OAI-general] OAI Workshop - 17-19 October 2002
Jean-Philippe Schmitt
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 16:41:42 +0200 (CEST)
Dear all,
The "2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining
independence with e-prints archives" will be held from Thursday to
Saturday (17-19 October) at CERN, in Geneva:
The registration was such a success that we were unfortunately not
able to accept all the people who wanted to attend the workshop. We
thought that a workshop dedicated to the OAI and some related
initiatives should also be as open as possible ; that's why we
decided to "webcast" it.
Webcasted lectures:
The webcasted talks will be available only a few minutes after the
end of each speaker's presentation. To watch a webcasted lecture, you
will have to go to the workshop agenda:
A link will appear next to the title of each lecture, as soon as
available. You will find to kind of files:
- video files
- video files synchronized with PowerPoint presentations
The lectures will be archived and we will keep them linked from the
workshop agenda.
Stay in tune.
Best regards,
Organizing Committee
Jean-Philippe Schmitt
CERN Scientific Information Service (Div. ETT-SI)
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
phone: +41 22 767 3508, fax: +41 22 767 2860