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This page lists parties that provide services based on metadata that is harvested using the OAI metadata harvesting protocol. Service providers are encouraged to fill out this template and include it on their web site. We will link to it from this page.

Service Implementer Description
Americanae La Biblioteca de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID Library) Americanae aggregates metadata to create a European portal to gather documentation on Latin America existing in various European institutions and the rest of the world.
ARA Aggregator of Croatian Repositories and Archives (template) SRCE - University of Zagreb University Computing Centre ARA aggregates metadata from Croatian OAI-PMH compliant repositories and archives (institutional repositories, journal archives, proceedings, scientific data, web archives) and provides user interface for searching and browsing of aggregated metadata.
BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (template) Bielefeld University Library BASE integrates scientific OAI-resources as one information type among others into the local digital library environment, together with catalogues, article databases, digitised collections. The search interface features many characteristics of internet search engines, thus offers a new type of search interface for a local digital library. BASE uses the search technology of FAST Search & Transfer. To learn more about the project see http://www.base-search.net/about_project_english.html
CYCLADES (template) European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) CYCLADES is a system, designed to provide an open collaborative virtual archive environment, which (among others) supports users, communities (and their members) with functionality for (i) advanced SEARCH in large, heterogeneous, multidisciplinary OAI compliant digital archives (ii) COLLABORATIVE work; and (iii) FILTERING and RECOMMENDATION of records, users, communities and collections. CYCLADES allows users to register any OAI archive to CYCLADES, which then will be automatically harvested and indexed.
Directory and OAI Harvester (template) Ministerio de Cultura de España (Ministry of Culture of Spain) Two diferent applications. On one side, a Directory about the projects and initiatives of digitalization existing in Spain. On the other side, a Harvester of the same records gathered from some of those databases and that can be consulted jointly the web address of these will always be provided to a ccess the digitized document, by using Metadata harvesting techniques.
DL-Harvest University of Arizona DL-Harvest is a federated archive, a service of DLIST. It brings together full-text, scholarly materials in the Information Sciences from many different OAI-PMH compliant repositories.
Xunta de Galicia Galiciana is a project promoted by the Xunta de Galicia and in which other heritage institutions of the Community participate, which makes it the largest directory and collector of cultural heritage in Galicia.
The collection consists of a wide variety of books, newspapers, issues, archival documents, photographs, maps, etc .; that are collected thanks to digitization projects to preserve the cultural heritage and to spread it among the citizens.
GAVO data center searchable VO Registry
Zentrum für Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg and the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory The GAVO data center runs a searchable registry for the Virtual Observatory, enabling discovery of services publishing astronomical data. In addition to a web interface giving access to the harvested data, clients can also directly query the underlying database using IVOA's RegTAP standard.
Harvester@UABT: Harvester of University of Tlemcen Algeria (template) University of Tlemcen, Algeria Harvester@UABT is a system to collect informations from anywhere repository which follow the OAI-PMH protocol. It can harvester complete documents and provides users with the facility for searching across multiple archives with results ranked according to many criteria. It's offering simple and advanced search engine.
HISPANA (template) Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Gobierno de España Hispana aggregates content from Spanish libraries, archives and museums and is one of the largest data contributors to Europeana..
MeIND (template) Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen The Service-Provider covers all subjects form different data-providers in Germany. The Pub-Types include doctoral theses, diploma, articles, magazines and digitised materials.
NORA (template) Norwegian Open Research Archive Covers repositories from universities and university colleges in Norway plus some research institutes. List of harvested data providers at http://www.duo.uio.no/publ/NORA/NORAprovider.html
OAIster OCLC OAIster provides a search service on OAI archives.
Openarchives.eu (template) Horizons Unlimited srl (Bologna, Italy) Openarchives.eu is the European guide to OAI-PMH compliant digital repositories in the world. This is not a search engine to find metadata stored in the repositories but a searchable index of the repositories themselves. This portal uses repositories and collection descriptions harvested from the University of Illinois OAI-PMH Data Provider Registry. The search engine and other editorial contents that complete the originary database have been developed by Horizons Unlimited srl (Bologna, Italy)
A section on "Digital Objects" allows metadata searching through a number of other service providers (OAIster, arXiv, RePEc, CiteSeer, NCSTRL, PubMed Central, Pleiadi). We also offer Google searching of all the repositories' web sites through Google Co-op.
Perseus (template) Perseus The Perseus system harvests registered OAI repositories and incorporates the information into its search interface.
PIONEER Digital Libraries Federation (template) Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Digital Libraries Federation is another step in building a network of distributed digital libraries and repositories in Poland. FBC service name reflects its character - the service is a set of advanced network services based on digital resources available in Polish digital libraries and repositories running on PIONIER. These resources are co-created by many academic institutions and the public, such as universities, libraries, archives, museums and research centers. FBC service is maintained by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, and is responsible for the development of PSNC Digital Libraries Team.
PLEIADI: Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali (template) The CASPUR and CILEA cosortia PLEIADI project aims at building a national platform that offers centralized access to the scholarly literature archived in Italian repositories.
SuUB Bremen State and University Library Bremen The State and University Library Bremen - Germany offers a library catalogue called SuUB Bremen, where selected OAI-data providers are included. The search engine delivers record about localized library ressources of print and electronic materials (books, journals, doctoral thesis, articles, magazines, reports, etc.).
Data-providers include: arXiv.org, bieSOn, Humboldt University of Berlin, Australian National University EPrints2 Archive, Elektronische Publikationen der Universität München, Münster University, Oldenburg University, PANGAEA, Library of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, BioMed Centra, and PubMed Central.
Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie (template) UNIT is an association supported by the French Ministry for Education and Research The UNIT Consortium associates all the public and private French actors of Higher Education in Sciences, Engineering and Technology for sharing existing digital learning ressources, tools and experiences.
One of the main goals is to publish on the Web a large set of digital Learning Objects for improving quality and visibility of the Education and Training Curricula provided by the UNIT partners.