O A I  T e c h n i c a l  C o m m i t t e e

The OAI Technical Committee is appointed for a one year period starting July 2001 to examine the following issues:

  • Evaluate the Metadata Harvesting Protocol:

    • To review the details of the current protocol and determine whether its functionality and nature are correct;

    • To compile a stabilized version of the Metadata Harvesting Protocol by April/May 2002.

  • Examine the technical infrastructure supporting the Metadata Harvesting Protocol:

    • To determine the need for and the design of basic OAI-related technical infrastructure to support the wide adoption of the protocol. Examples of such basic technical infrastructure may be name resolution services, registration services, etc. OAI-tech will start its activities early June 2001. A stabilized protocol version should become available by April/May 2002, latest (cf. "a" of OAI-tech mission statement).

Between June 2001 and December 2001, OAI-Tech will -- via a coordinated listserv -- identify and discuss open issues. Based on the nature of those discussions, the SC and the Executive will decide in September 2001 whether a meeting of OAI-tech is required in order to be able to release a revised/stabilized protocol document within the expected timeframe.

OAI Technical Committee 2001/2002 Members

OAI Executive
- Herbert Van de Sompel (British Library)
- Carl Lagoze (Cornell U)

US Representatives
- Thomas Krichel (Long Island U & RePEc)
- Jeff Young (OCLC)
- Tim Cole - (U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Hussein Suleman (Virginia Tech)
- Simeon Warner (LANL & arXiv)
- Michael Nelson (NASA & NACA)
- Caroline Arms (Library of Congress)
- Muhammad Zubair (Old Dominion U & ARC)
- Steven Bird (U Penn. & Open Language Archives Community)
- Robert Tansley (MIT & DSpace)

European Representatives
- Andy Powell - UK (UKOLN)
- Mogens Sandfaer - Denmark (DTV)
- Thomas Baron - Switserland (CERN)
- Les Carr - UK (U of Southampton)

Support for Open Archives Initiative activities comes from the Digital Library Federation, the Coalition for Networked Information, and from National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS-9817416