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Open Archives Initiative
ORE Community
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The OAI-ORE community consists of the Executive, Advisory Committee, Technical Committee, and Liaison Group.

The OAI-ORE Executive provides overall leadership to the project and holds primary responsibility for the project budget and the ultimate success of the work.
  • Carl Lagoze - Computing and Information Science, Cornell University
  • Herbert Van de Sompel - Digital Library Research and Prototyping, Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library

The Advisory Committee (AC) provides strategic guidance regarding ORE directions and goals. The AC receives first hand information on the progress made by the ORE Technical Committee giving them the opportunity to provide early feedback on standards and protocols developed by the ORE. Members of the AC are leaders in various communities that we hope will deploy the products of ORE work.

The Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for developing the data models, protocols, and standards that will be the product of ORE work. To accomplish this work the TC has periodic face-to-face working meetings and conference calls. Key members of the TC assist the OAI-ORE Executives in actual specification writing, which are then open for review by the entire TC. Members of the TC are key technical participants in target communities of the ORE work, thus ensuring that the resulting specifications and standards will have broad application.

The Liaison Group (LG) provides a linkage between the ORE work and international activities that share similar objectives. LG members act as a communication bridge between their respective projectsregarding and ORE technical work. LG members have access to ORE mailing lists and have early access to developing specifications.